We all know that protein is an essential nutrient for our body, but it is a common belief that vegetarians don't get enough amount of protein. However, there are various options for vegetarians to fulfill their protein requirement.
Whey water- The leftover water after making paneer has multiple health benefits. It strengthens muscles and boosts digestion. So, do not throw away that water and instead utilise it in cooking.
Beans- Kidney beans, chickpeas, quinoa and black beans are excellent sources of protein and also help in managing blood sugar and belly fat reduction.
Lentils- Lentils promote growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
Nuts and seeds- Snacking on almonds, walnuts and chia seeds will provide you good amount of protein you need in a day.
Dairy products- Dairy products like curd or Greek yoghurt are rich in probiotics and are great sources of protein.
Also watch: Deficit of protein in meals makes us overeat: Study