International Day of Yoga 2023: With growing awareness about skincare, people have started to lay focus on what they eat, apply and do, which will benefit them in the longer run.
And if you are one of those then it is worth taking note that yoga is not just good for health but has proved beneficial for healthy, glowing skin too.
In this asana, you need to lift your body up and let the headrest. This asana is known to be the most effective asana for radiant skin. This asana is known to keep acne, wrinkles and saggy skin at bay. One should practice this asana 3 to 5 times a day.
This asana is known as the triangle pose. This asana is known to supply more blood flow and oxygen to the skin. Other than this, Trikonasana helps to open up the heart, chest and lungs resulting in healthier, glowing skin.
This asana is a normal standing pose in which you need to focus on deep breaths. Tadasana is also called Mountain pose and this exercise helps to rejuvenate skin. It has many forms which are meant for stretching, increasing height etc. but the basic standing pose it believed to be good for the skin.
Also Watch: International Yoga Day 2023: History, theme, date and significance of this day