Bulimia : Consuming large quantities of food in one sitting and then purging secretly could lead to Bulimia which is actually an eating disorder. Let us tell you about it in detail.
It is a psychological eating disorder in which people have episodes of binge eating. During these binges, people have no sense of control over their eating habits and then they tend to control it in unhealthy ways such as vomiting, fasting and compulsive exercising.
People with bulimia usually binge and purge in secret. They weigh within the normal range for their age and height but fear gaining weight and often feel very dissatisfied with their bodies.
Depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, traumatic events, stress and frequent dieting are some of the risk factors of Bulimia.
Different people may have different symptoms of bulimia. Dental problems, sore throat, indigestion, bloating, dizziness, dry skin and mood swings are some of the common symptoms of Bulimia.
Bulimia tends to start in late childhood or early adulthood but can be treated. Apart from medication, treatment includes counseling as it helps build self-worth. Some people also adopt healthier eating patterns like intuitive eating to get rid of it.
Also watch: Bye diet culture, hello intuitive eating: Why it’s time to fix our relationship with food