In an ultimate display of affection, a man from the US, Alexander Sway surprised his girlfriend in the most beautiful way by making a replica of a Birkin handbag from scratch.
Alexander who is a real estate professional shared 2 reels on Instagram showcasing the entire process of making the handbag.
In the video, he mentioned that his girlfriend always wanted a high-end luxury bag from Hermes, but when he checked the price of that Birkin bag was USD 1,10,000 ( Rs 90 lakh). So, he decided to make one on his own.
He also shared how he struggled to find premium quality leather from local vendors and cut it into particular patterns according to a blueprint he found online.
In his second reel, he showed how he assembled all the pieces and sewed them all manually to make a perfect bag. It took him a month to create the bag which he gifted his girlfriend a month after their anniversary.
And, at last, he shared a video showing the reaction of his girlfriend when he finally gifted her the bag and netizens are loving it.
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