Delhi Police are set to question the family and in-laws of Puneet Khurana, a cafe owner who was found dead by suicide in his home in Model Town, northwest Delhi, on January 2, 2025. Sources revealed that police teams will visit Khurana's residence and speak with his friends and relatives to gather more information about the circumstances surrounding his death.
Earlier, police confirmed that Khurana had recorded a 54-minute video on his phone before taking his own life. A 2.5-minute excerpt from the video has gone viral on social media, in which Khurana expressed feelings of depression and outlined the reasons for his distress.
According to sources, multiple investigative teams are looking into the incident. They will interview Khurana's wife, in-laws, and friends to piece together the events leading up to the tragedy. Khurana’s family has reportedly claimed that he was being harassed by his wife and in-laws, a matter the police are currently investigating.
Khurana, who died by hanging on January 2, 2025, had been struggling with depression, as indicated in the video shared online.