Delhi Police has detained a Class 12 student for allegedly sending bomb threats to more than 23 schools in the national capital over the past few weeks as he did not want to write his exams, sources said on Friday.
Around 10 educational institutes received bomb threats on Thursday, the latest in a series of such incidents in the city.
The sources said the south district police apprehended the Class 12 student, a minor, Thursday evening in connection with the threats.
Earlier in the day, officials said police will address a press conference at its headquarters to share more details but it was later cancelled.
The sources said the accused had sent bomb threats to 23 different schools as he did not want to take school examinations. He used this method to trigger panic.
"The student got the idea from previous incidents and hatched a plan to change his IP address by using Virtual Private Network (VPN) and send threat e-mails to different schools. Further investigation is underway," said a source.